Category: Uncategorized


Access advice: In-field Lifts

Wanneroo Raceway facility users please be advised that due to ongoing maintenance of the in-field lift, we cannot provide access to this area of the

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Farewell Andrew

Today we farewell Andrew Stachewicz. Andrew spent more than five years with us and achieved much in that time. Andrew was taken from us suddenly

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WASCC Newsletter – July

Committee Comment It has certainly been an eventful six weeks with lock downs and continued restrictions and some of the continually wettest weather that most

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WASCC Newsletter – June

Committee Comment 2021 certainly has been a year of ups and downs requiring us to have a flexible approach to the conduct of events. Fortunately,

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April Race Meeting Postponed

Due to the 3 day lockdown announced earlier this afternoon, the Race Meeting scheduled for Saturday, 24 April will be postponed until Saturday, 1 May

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