At this time I always pause to reflect on the year that is almost over.

I firstly want to reflect on a special day in October when the Club was able to show its appreciation for a man that has offered decades of selfless service to the Club. Rob Janney has served in almost every capacity that is possible within the Club. I am among the fortunate who have served with Rob on our Committee and can testify that he made me a better President, just as he made the Committee better, just as he made the Club better. Rob has a largeness of spirit and an ability to see past differences in search of common ground. He is fiercely devoted to the Club, motorsport, his friends and most of all, his family. The outpouring of love and respect for Rob at the October race meeting was a wonderful thing to witness and be part of. It was a highlight of 2019 and a memory that will stay with all that were there.

2019 was quite a year. We’ve been through many developments, in sometimes less than favourable circumstances. But we’ve also achieved a huge amount.

However, rather than just think back only on 2019, I wish to reflect on the trials, tribulations, and successes of the past four years.

During that time, we were able to secure the future of the raceway and therefore the future of our great Club.

Among the standout achievements were:

  • The redesign, development and building of 40 new garages.
  • Acquitting the financial assistance agreement, which at one stage posed a M$2.5 exposure to the Club.
  • Successfully navigating the difficult path that saw the return of motorcycle activity to the raceway.
  • A complete resurface of the racetrack and paddock area.
  • A new agreement with Supercars which has removed financial risk to the Club.
  • A strong, cordial and productive relationship directly with The Hon Mick Murray MLA, Minister for Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering; Sport and Recreation.
  • Securing a long-term land lease for our facility.


There can be no doubt our best days are now in front of us.

Now the way is clear with most legacy issues addressed and repaired. A positive recalibration of our relationship with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has removed several obstacles that have held us back for an unacceptably long period.

Of course, there’s still a lot of work ahead.

We now enter a new phase; a phase that will see new impetus and growth in our Club and our facility.  New events, further facility development, our strategic plan and participation in the City of Wanneroo motorsport master plan.

The past few years have had a significant impact on all of us, but I would like to thank you all for your significant support and dedication during these challenging times. The year ahead will bring its own challenges but I’m sure by working together, keeping focussed on our priorities and putting our members and our sport first we can realise our ambitions. These will certainly continue to be my priorities and I am convinced I can count on you to do the same.

The success of the past four years has come about in no small part to the dedication of a multi-skilled group of volunteers and staff. They deserve our thanks.

It is now time to get behind our great Club and make it all it can be.

As we close off 2019 and prepare for the Christmas season, I ask that we all take a moment to consider those less fortunate and give a generous donation to make this season a little better for those in need.

On behalf of the Committee, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy new year. Have a great and well-deserved break, enjoy the summer holidays and time spent with your loved ones. Stay safe.

