Motorcycle Update

WASCC conducted a successful stakeholder meeting on 25 May which included representatives from Motorcycling Australia, Motorcycling WA, Motor Cycle Racing Club, various motorcycle user groups as well as DSR, City of Wanneroo, Member for Wanneroo Sabine Winton MLA as well as Hon Mick Murray MLA Minister for Seniors and Ageing; Volunteering; Sport and Recreation.

This meeting considered and agreed in principle on a phased outline plan for the return of motorcycle activity to the raceway proposed by WASCC in consultation with Chris Hall (author of the Hall Report). To that end, a working group including the consultant engineer and accomplished motorcycle coaches was held on 4 July to address the first phase of the return involving training and road safety activity. This was a very successful working group and feedback loop that identified workable options for the engineer to commence designs for site testing. Following testing and refinement as appropriate, solutions will be presented for licensing and certification.
