Facility Update Report 18/2/25

From Facilities/Maintenance Sub Committee
John Hurney (Chair), Laurie D’Alessio & Derek Burns

1) Track Bridge Refurbishment/Bridge Signage
Refinishing the bridge sections that were inaccessible whilst track was in use has been completed .
We are extremely reluctant to re -mount metal signs on the bridge due to the multiplicity of holes drilled over the years which have had to be filled/repaired.
Currently discussions are ongoing as to the best way forward in this issue. It’s unlikely signs will reappear on the bridge prior to the Supercars in June.

2) New Lift Installation on Infield Garages
All installation work now complete, City Lifts only need to Load Test to achieve project completion.

3) Tyre Wall Replacement
Little progress on this project this month.
Permanent Dorian Timing Aerial @ FoS Hillclimb Finish line
Awaiting installation of 240v power at base of CAT Tower to complete project.

5) V8 Drive Day Sheds (Near main entry gate)
Work needed to stop internal leaks and replace whirly bird units, additional guttering & down pipes etc, problems are long standing. Commencing on 25/02/25, cost $8,500

6) Re-roofing the carports 76 – 87 adjacent to the top of the South Ramp
Work will commence 17/3/25. Scheduling has been difficult to minimise inconvenience to track users, particularly motorcycle hirers who need power in carports for Tyre Warmers.
Scope of works as agreed –
Roof sheeting & purlin replacement, beams and uprights to be retained. Cost estimate $48, 268

7) Electrical Upgrades associated with Item 6
Two switchboards (over 30 years old) to be replaced, light & power replaced/reinstalled carports 76 – 87. Rusted light pole adjacent to south ramp to be replaced. Work starting this week. Cost estimate $21,000

Matters outstanding
– 2x New Flag Point Roofs.
Construction proceeding, likely roofs will be ready before a suitable window is available for install, existing debris fences on chosen points require re-location.
– Remediation of a severe bump and additional kerbing on Jack’s Hill
This work, located on the E side of the top loop (aka Carousel) may have to be held over until 2026 due to the cost. Area currently embargoed from use to prevent further damage.

– Remediation of flooding problem into the back of some southern garages along the west boundary fence.
Method of rectification yet to be decided.
