Committee Comment – June 2019

While the SuperNight event took over the track and facility for most of the first half of the month we still managed to see a busy period of post-SuperNight activities. These included the Competition Driving School, Drift practice and battle, a CAMS speed event as well as a Point2point event. The track was also hired by Track Action for motorcycle track days and the WA Police for driver training.

A couple of interesting phenomenon emerged with the newly resurfaced track and were observed over the SuperNight weekend. The first was a different coloured path on the track, which turned out to be scrape marks from splitters rubbing the surface. The second, a number of damp patches on the track surface has been a bit more mystifying. Engineers and other technical people are investigating the issue and will report back to the committee with their results, which will then be communicated to members.

Recently the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries released a revised draft of the WA Motorsport Strategy. WASCC provided members with a detailed briefing paper on the original strategy document which the Club had very serious concerns about the factual inaccurate and unsubstantiated information as the process which delivered the document was deeply flawed. Recommendations are not supported by empirical evidence – sources were outdated and no longer relevant. The recently revised document is certainly a lot more compact, shifting from around 80+ pages to the latest document having around 8 actual report pages.

The strategy, survey and a feedback form are available here. Submissions for feedback on the survey closes at 5pm, Friday 14 June. WASCC Committee and our advisors are currently reviewing the document and will provide feedback to the Department. On the surface the strategy appears far more objective and reasonable than the original version, however there remain a number of potential areas where the Club believes we have additional feedback and suggestions. A member briefing paper will be distributed once this review has been completed.

In the meantime, June will be another busy month on the track with a race event on 23rd as well as a range of additional events and activities. We wish everyone a great June, with quick times and safe racing!
