Martin Family Racing & Grant Johnson set records at Collie and The Bend

The Martin Family Racings Grant Johnson, not satisfied with setting a new Saloon Car lap record at the recent ERNIE HASTIE MEMORIAL meet at Collie Motorplex, made history by ticking all the boxes at the 2018 CAMS SA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP – Round 2 at The Bend International Track, shortly after.


After much angst the Collie Motorplex management elected to remove the turn 2 “Dipper” which was much loved and hated in probably equal proportions by the racing groups. This then changed all of the established track dynamics and left all the lap records begging. Grant, chased by his running mate Matt Martin, set the new benchmark at 0:51.2644 on the very technical 1.65 km circuit.

THE BEND – International Track

The 4.9 km International circuit was a whole new adventure. Grant made history by setting the qualifying lap record, winning the first saloon car pole position, winning the first saloon car race, setting and then re-setting the race lap record and winning the first round overall. The benchmark lap is now 2:11.9052. Congratulations from the WASCC, all its members, staff and officials to the Martin Family and one of its favourite sons “GRUNTA” on a job well done.

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