Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018. As we close out what was a very challenging 2017 and as 2018 begins to dawn, it seems a great time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished, the journey we’ve taken to get to where we are and the plans we have for a bright and exciting future.

I’d like to start by telling you how much I appreciate the opportunity to serve our Club and the many members, officials, volunteers and staff without whose contributions we would not be able to operate.

During our 90-year history, we have experienced–and successfully navigated through–several periods of difficulty and challenge. And although we are not immune from the economic conditions that have made life in our State a little more difficult, my confidence in our Club and in all of you has never been greater. We continue to provide a comprehensive motorsport program and facility and our race numbers are as good as ever. We are making an impact in the community we serve, and will continue to do so today and into the future.

Our Club has weathered many different types of storms. But we have never been stronger or more relevant. Our long term commitment to delivering quality motorsport is unwavering. I can assure you that we will continue to lead and manage the Club through the lens of our core activity, doing everything we possibly can to continue to make your membership of the Club and participation in our activities all we stand for. You have my word on this.

I will provide a detailed outline of the previous year, our challenges and how we have conducted ourselves in facing them in my annual report to be received at the AGM.

Our growth plans for the future of our Club will not be impacted by the challenges placed upon us. We will positively manage through today’s challenging environment just as we have positively navigated through challenging moments in the past. The experience we deliver, the strength and equity of our brand, and the primary reason for our success is because of all of YOU.

Enjoy your families at this special time, drive safely and come back in 2018 prepared for a great year at the WA Sporting Car Club.
